Thursday, September 27, 2007

This N' That

Where to start? I guess the first order of business is that I've found a new agility class to go to; I'm going to give them a try this Monday. J is/was a great instructor, but I hear through the grapevine that her 2 month break from teaching is going to continue indefinitely. I don't blame her at all; she's been teaching many classes a week plus privates for years and deserves some down time, but me and the cardikids miss her. The instructor that has taken over all of J's classes and I just don't jive. She takes the whole agility thing a little too seriously. I mean, yeah, I want Mikey and I to be as good as we can be, but hello? I've already got a job. All of the training that I do with Holly and Mikey is for fun and only for fun, and doG help me if I ever forget it!

And. . . we're all going to Dog Fest on Saturday. Sounds like lots of fun. For anyone local reading my blog, Dog Fest is at Juergen's Park in Tomball from 10 am until 6 pm. Lots of vendors (yay! funnel cakes!), lots of demos, and a blessing of the animals. It's being held in conjunction with Tomball's 100 Year Centennial Celebration.

Next we've got some more moth action. There is an area with hundreds of morning glories (I think) on our morning walking route, and one morning I noticed 'something' flying around in them. Since it's still mostly dark when we walk on work days, it was several days before I realized they weren't early to rise hummingbirds, but actually moths - and then of course I just had to try to get some pictures of them! So I stood out there with the flash on, but a totally dark view through the camera, and just kept watching for flowers that tipped when the moths were feeding and then - zap! - tried to capture them before they zoomed off again. Needless to say, the moths were not to pleased to have my flashing camera interrupting their morning meal, but I did manage to get a few good pics. They're actually quite pretty!

And one morning I saw the fog when we woke up and knew there might be some good pictures just waiting to be taken. . .

And of course there was a full moon this week, and I can't resist trying to capture the 'perfect' moon picture. I took these on our morning walk one day this week.

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