Monday, January 12, 2009

Not Dead - More Pics

Well, I survived my first week at work. Last week actually went pretty well; so far this company seems a lot less rigid and a lot more interested in keeping their employees happy than my last company. This week is getting off to a bit of a rough start, but hopefully things will get better as the week goes on.

I've found a place to do agility; if you're a 'member' you can go and practice anytime, provided there's not a class in session. More on that another time. . .

And, at last, more pictures from Christmas in the Missouri Ozark Highlands. More pics next time. . .

1 comment:

Sharrie said...

Real nice head shots of the Cardi's.
I am just a "lurker" who is looking to get a Cardi puppy. Good luck at your new job. The shots of them running bring joy to my heart. I live in a place where that could happen every day.