Have you ever seen such happy faces? We've discovered Canine Country; a little taste of heaven on earth!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
First Trial - More Pics?
Out first trial in St. Louis was a bit of a bust. Saturday I forgot all of my medications for my RA at home; not even a bloody Tylenol - so I spent the day in PAIN. And I had major ring conflicts. I was walking Mikey's Excellent Standard course while they were walking our course in Open Jumpers. And then while we were running our Standard course (which I totally screwed up) they were calling for Mikey in the Jumpers ring. So we literally ran from one ring to the other and ran the Jumpers course (which we also blew) and then I ran to get Holly and ran back and ran the Jumpers course with her (yeah, that didn't go so well either).
Sunday was only marginally better. No ring conflicts, but I managed to forget the Jumpers course with Mikey (maybe walking the course doesn't really me help all that much). I remembered the course for Holly, and she managed to get a 95 and her first Open leg. Yip eeee?
It was a much better weekend overall for both my dad (in Houston, obviously) - (yay, Meg finished her Novice Jumpers title in fine style - 19 seconds and change for first place) and for Nicki (here in St. Louis) over at Borderblog (go here and here). It was really nice to meet Nicki (and Legend!) in person. Nice and. . . strange. Kind of like meeting a character from a book you've been reading. . .
What can I say, a lot of things are just - off - here in St. Louis. Nothing 'fits' or feels comfortable yet.
Here is where the last batch of pics from Christmas (yes, I know it's the first week of February) were supposed to be. I loaded them and then came back to change something, and they're gone. Grrrr! It's time for me to go to bed (I get up at 4:40 am), so I'll try again another day.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Mikey, of course, said "Oh boy! Cold white stuff - my FAVORITE!!" Holly, not so much. . .
I promise to actually write something soon. In the mean time, enjoy the pics!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Not Dead - More Pics
Well, I survived my first week at work. Last week actually went pretty well; so far this company seems a lot less rigid and a lot more interested in keeping their employees happy than my last company. This week is getting off to a bit of a rough start, but hopefully things will get better as the week goes on.
I've found a place to do agility; if you're a 'member' you can go and practice anytime, provided there's not a class in session. More on that another time. . .
And, at last, more pictures from Christmas in the Missouri Ozark Highlands. More pics next time. . .
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pictures - First Installment
Pictures from Christmas Day '08 in the Missouri Ozark Highlands. . .

Starting with our Christmas tree this year - walking sticks from the Frio River in Texas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Doggy Merry Christmas
T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house
The puppies were squeaking an old rubber mouse.
The stockings that had hung in a nice straight row,
Were now crooked, with holes chewed through each little toe.
The puppies were squeaking an old rubber mouse.
The stockings that had hung in a nice straight row,
Were now crooked, with holes chewed through each little toe.
The wreath that had merrily hung on the door
Was scattered in pieces all over the floor.
Was scattered in pieces all over the floor.
The tree was subjected to bright-eyed whims,
And now, though still splendid, it's missing some limbs.
And now, though still splendid, it's missing some limbs.
I catch them and hold them. "Be good", I insist.
They lick me, then run off to see what they've missed.
They lick me, then run off to see what they've missed.
And now as I watch them, the thought comes to me,
That their's is the spirit that Christmas should be.
That their's is the spirit that Christmas should be.
Can children and puppies yet show us the way,
And teach us the joy that should come with this day?
And teach us the joy that should come with this day?
Could they bring us a message that's written above
And tell us that, most of all,
Christmas is LOVE?
And tell us that, most of all,
Christmas is LOVE?

Settling In
Well, we're getting settled in. I've had a lot of 'what have I done?' moments; moving is never fun, and there's been a few issues with the apartment we're living in (drainage problems and mud on the back porch, washing machine doesn't work, noisy neighbor dogs, etc.) and I've really missed the bayou (sidewalk walking is way too close to zooming cars, but I guess I'll get used to it) and all the unpacking has really caused my rheumatoid arthritis to flare up.
But, I've gotten everything but my books unpacked, and the moving company is coming to pick up the empty boxes today, and I've found a park that's reasonable close for more pleasant walking. I've sent an e-mail and left a voice message with a agility instructor (I think they must be out for the holidays). The back porch is cleaned up, and they're supposed to be bringing a new washing machine today (I hope; they were supposed to bring it yesterday) and we're doing a lot of 'Good quiet get's a treat!' and running to the frig for said treat (wonder how long it will take for them to automatically run to the frig when they hear the other dogs bark?). And I'm hoping that now that I'm essentially done unpacking, and when I get back to eating right and exercising, my joints will start feeling better.
Tomorrow we're off to a cabin in southern Missouri for Christmas. The Cardigrandparents, after following me here for the move, and then driving back to Houston last week, are driving all the way back here so that I don't have to drive back to Houston for Christmas. We're hoping we enjoy the cabin here as much as the cabin on the Frio River in Texas; hiking, birding, etc.
I want to thank all of you that have visited and read and commented this year, and especially the last few months. Loosing my job, and then making the decision to move here to St. Louis was (and continues to be) scary, but it is starting to get more comfortable. You have no idea what it has meant to me to have every one's support the past few months!!!
I hope everyone out in the blogosphere has a wonderful, warm and Merry Christmas and a fun, safe and Happy New Year!
Friday, December 19, 2008
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